Haunted Hotels and Inns: New Hampshire


Continuing on our journey of Haunted Hotels and Inns on the East Coast, we explore New Hampshire next. Many of these places are filled with Paranormal activity to suit all your ghost hunting needs. While some might not be a good fit for you, others are sure to pique your interest. So let's dive in and find the place that's the right fit for you. 

8. The Three Chimneys Inn, Durham, New Hampshire

The oldest part of The Three Chimneys Inn was built in 1649, by Valentine Hill. Many rumors are circulating the Inn that suggests it is his daughter, Hannah who haunts the Inn. There isn't much information out there on Hannah, only that she was married at the age of 20. 

Rumor has it that at some point in her life, Hannah drowned in the Oyster River. But, it is believed that Hannah isn't the only spirit to lurk in the Inn. This is because the Inn itself has survived the Native American Massacre of 1694. Where about 250 Indians who were under the command of a French soldier named, de Villieu, attacked the settlements surrounding both sides of the river. They killed and captured at least 100 settlers and destroyed many of the dwellings in the area. 

The paranormal activity that surrounds the Inn is quite unusual. There have been reports of deadbolts locking on their own, and footsteps can be heard in the hallways. They say that objects have been known to move on their own, and there have even been sightings of strange apparitions seen throughout the Inn. 

7. The Notchland Inn, Hart's Location, New Hampshire

This Inn actually has a gravestone marker in the front parlor, that reads: "1778. Nancy Barton. Died in a snowstorm in pursuit of her faithless lover."

As the story goes, Nancy's faithless husband to be, ran off with her dowry. She knew the route he usually took on trips to Portland and Boston, so naturally, she followed him on foot. While on this route he usually made camp where the Inn sits now. When she arrived at this spot she had realized that he had already been here and moved on. They say that maybe she was tired and slept for some time, but whatever the reason, Nancy got caught in a wicked snowstorm in this spot, and unfortunately she died. 

The paranormal activity that surrounds this in is a bit bizarre. They say that once the word Abigail, appeared written on the mirror, it was apparently written in steam even though no one had taken a shower in hours. A second guest had reported that someone had written on their bathroom mirror in lipstick. The message was "Happy Anniversary" and was accompanied by fresh flowers. It happened to be the man's anniversary, and he first assumed that this was done by his wife, but as quickly as it appeared it had vanished. 

6. The Beal House Inn, Littleton, New Hampshire

The house was originally built as a farmhouse in 1883, but Mrs. Beal turned it into an Inn in 1933. However, the hauntings started in 2001 when the new owners started renovations. Relatives had come to stay at the Inn from Europe. Not much is known about the occurrences, but they reported some strange activity while staying at the Inn. 

In another incident, there was a housekeeper who was painting and felt some pressure on her hip. The housekeeper had thought about moving to the other side but found that she could not do this. It seems that some unseen force prevented her from moving for a few seconds before releasing her. 

There are reports of strange male voices being heard in the common room. This occurs pretty often even when the room empty or no one in the room is speaking. There are also reports of disembodied footsteps on the stairs. Entities are known to slam doors, with great force. This happens, particularly in the hallway. You may also have the pleasure of seeing moving shadows and shapes seen moving about the basements lighted edges, pillows floating above furniture, and objects moving by unseen hands. 

One staff member quit his job because he couldn't stand to be in the building any longer. 

5. Tilton Inn, Tilton, New Hampshire

 (has been on Ghost Hunters)

This particular Inn dates back to 1875 and is sometimes known as The 1875 Inn. It has seen guests such as Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. There have been three major fires on the property and the Inn has burned down all three times. During one of those fires, a 12-year-old girl lost her life. Her name was Laura, and her family owned the Inn. They allowed her to manage the Inn while they were out for a short time. That's when it happened, a fire broke out. Laura found herself trapped in the Sanborn Room, she perished before help could arrive. 

It is said that Laura makes herself known often. Many guests have reported seeing her throughout the Inn. She loves to prank and likes to move objects around. Her image has been captured on digital photos, and her voice has also been heard on EVPs. Other experiences involve the old jailhouse downstairs. There have been reports of cold spots in the area where the cells used to be. 

There is a record that a man committed suicide in one of the rooms. A housekeeper found his body the following morning. The staff tends to believe that the man never left the Inn. That he hangs around and haunts the Inn for one reason or another. Guests who have stayed in his room have reported the bed being in complete disarray. There have been digital photos taken of some form of the apparition on the bed. 

4. The Nutmeg Inn, Meredith, New Hampshire

The building was built in 1763, and it has been long rumored to have been one-stop of the Underground Railroad. The building has also been a boarding house, a working farm, and a Girl Scout meeting building. 

However, the Inn is reportedly haunted by a ghost named Charlie. There have been many reports of cold spots, apparitions appearing in pictures, and even poltergeist activity. Curiously, Charlie has also been helpful in mysterious ways. For instance, the owners had wanted to install electrical outlets in the Teaberry Room but learned it would be too expensive. They closed the room up for the winter, and when they opened it they made a startling discovery. An outlet had been installed right where they wanted it. When they contacted the electricians about it they denied placing any outlet, and the Inn never received a bill, the only logical explanation is that it had to be Charlie. Charlie may have also helped a carpenter with the wood paneling in the entranceway, and he may have coaxed flowers to bloom that had never grown there before. 

But, Charlie removes bath mats, hides objects from both staff and guests, and he likes to show up in photographs. Guests have heard footsteps, and doors open on their own. One guest has even reported photographing orbs on the property. 

3. Omni Mount Washington Resort, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

Built as the Mount Washington Hotel in 1902, by Joseph Stickney and he died about a year later. It is said that it is his heartbroken widow, Carolyn who haunts the hotel today. Both guests and staff have reported seeing the apparition of a woman overlooking the balcony. She has also been seen descending the stairs at dinner time. 

Room 314, which is also known as the Princess Room, at one time was Carolyn's private quarters. The bed that is located in this room is her original bed. Guests have reported waking up in the middle of the night to find that Carolyn is sitting at the end of the bed and brushing her hair. TAPS have even caught EVPs of Carolyn answering their questions. 

Lights are known to turn on and off in the tower suites. A perfume will suddenly drift into the rooms, and bathtubs apparently fill themselves. One guest in 314, had quite an experience. They reported that the fireplace lit all by itself, lamps flickered on and off, and her daughter's stuffed monkey disappeared only to turn up later in the day. She also came back to a cleaned room, but the bed looked as if someone had just taken a nap. 

Music is known to come from the ballroom, even when no one is in there. Many guests and employees have also seen a lady looking out over the mezzanine in the main lobby. However, a housekeeper had a most terrifying experience in room 314 in 1997. They went to clean the room but upon entering the room she spotted a little girl asleep on the bed. 

The housekeeper checked with the hotel, who informed them that the residents were newlyweds and no one else was registered with them. When they returned to the room and looked at the bed. However, instead of a little girl, there was a woman with a sinister smile staring right at them. She had jet black hair and was wearing a white dress. 

They got chills and stood frozen to the floor as this woman glared at them. They eventually were able to move and ran from the room, telling a fellow housekeeper about the experience. The two returned to the room, but there was nothing there. 

It was the late 1980s or early 1990s when the hotel was still only seasonal. There was a worker who has been working alone in a ballroom. It was late in the fall, and just before the shutdown. It was this time of year that seemed to see the most activity. Almost as if they knew they were about to be alone for some time. The worker had been setting the room for a meeting. The room had heavy curtains, and they were all drawn. The worker was moving chairs from one side to the other when suddenly the curtains began to flow. They checked all the doors and windows, but everything seemed normal. They went back to the chairs, and when they stood up, they were surprised to see a woman looking at them. She was wearing a hoop dress and facing the lobby. As they stood there looking at the woman, they felt something brush past them. 

There was another worker who had a separate experience in the ballroom. It was late at night, and when no performer was working, but they could hear the faint sound of orchestra music. At first, they thought that someone might be rehearsing but when they went to check they found the ballroom empty. But, as they walked away from the stage, the lights went out and the music they had heard got louder. They ran to the light switch and turned the light back on, but it only stayed on for a second before it turned back off. The entire time this music was playing all around them. They ran off to find the security guard, only to discover that there was no one there, no music, and no problem with the lights. 

At another time, two bartenders and two guests were sitting in the hotel bar, called The Cave. They heard a loud thud from the other end of the bar. When they went to investigate a stack of teacups and saucers flew out about 4 feet and smashed all over the bar. No one was near these dishes when it had occurred. 

2. The Hotel Portsmouth, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

It was built in 1881 as the home for John E. Sise and his family. When it was converted it was originally called The Sise Inn. 

Some rumors circulate the hotel. Apparently, there once was a butler of John's that fell in love with a maid. However, when the relationship went south, he killed the maid. Later hanging himself in the room known as Suite 204. However, there is no factual evidence this incident ever occurred. 

A known murder did take place two houses down in 1905. Did the woman and her husband move to the Sise house? We may never know, However, the house displays a lot of paranormal activity that suggests something is happening here. 

Suite 204, on the 3rd floor, plays host to one of these paranormal presences. A ghost is known to play with the locks in the room. The same ghost seems to like to play with the ice machine in the hall as well. He likes to make piles of ice on the floor and is known for throwing it at the guests. 

There is a naughty male spirit that haunts the hotel, who has a habit of grabbing the bottoms of unsuspecting women. Items have been moved or thrown, elevators move about the floors on their own, a rocking chair likes to rock on its own, and guests have felt as if someone was in bed with them. 

There was one night that a desk clerk was working in the hotel. There had been no guests checked in on the 3rd floor that night, and she heard the ice machine being used. Naturally, she went upstairs to investigate the source. She found a trail of ice leading from the ice machine to the open door of room 204. Inside she found a heap of ice piled on the floor. She was the only human on the 3rd floor. 

At about 2 am, the guest staying in room 204, couldn't get the key to work in the door. The desk clerk also tried and couldn't get it open. Even the manager tried but they had no luck. Even the emergency key wouldn't work in the door. They had to call a locksmith, but when he arrived he tried the guest's original key, and it worked. This particular key likes to go missing all the time, and unlike other keys, it is never mailed back. 

There is another male entity (or perhaps the same one) who likes to sneak up behind maids and grab them around the hips. One of the maids had even felt themselves being pulled towards the closet by the amorous unseen male. Many of the maids have reported walking through cold spots, and have trouble with door locks. 

One female guest was laying in bed one night when she felt an unseen presence laying down with her. It even attempted to push her to the other side of the bed. Another guest even asked for a new room when a potted plant flew off the coffee table in his old room. According to him, he was reading when he heard a strange noise, He looked up in time to see the potted plant flying across the room!

There is an old rocker next to the check-in desk, that likes to rock on its own. Another clerk was startled to find a pair of rarely used scissors laying on the desk after a quick trip to the parlor. The strangest part about this was the fact that the parlor is only a few feet away, and no person was ever heard. A man had even come to the Inn and asked if the lady ghost was still there. 


1. Christmas Farm Inn and Spa, Jackson, New Hampshire

 (was on ghost hunters)

The oldest part of the Christmas Farm Inn was built in 1786. This was once part jail, part church, and part farmhouse. Chase B. Perkins, had acquired it from his brother in 1883 and added an Inn. The farmhouse and the Inn survived the Great Depression, and after 50 years the Perkins family sold it to a man who gave it to his daughter as a Christmas present. She renamed it Christmas Farm. However, when her plans for the farm fell through she sold it in 1946 to the Welch’s. Who renamed it Christmas Farm Inn. There is a photo of the Inns first guests the Freeman family hangs in the lobby. The family has been returning to the Inn for the last 3 generations. 

According to one guest, the bed has shaken, numerous lights have dimmed, their toes have been touched, and they heard a loud sigh. There was a three-way reading lamp that one of the lights blew out. However, when it was turned back on again all three bulbs lit. They also reported footsteps going up the stairs. 

There was a third guest who heard a knocking at the door at 2 in the morning, and heard a little boy saying: "Please help me." The guest knew it was a spirit. They also caught on video a voice saying "You know it." 

There was yet another guest who reported being woke up at 4 in the morning by a beeping smoke detector. They got up to check if anything was on fire and even looked outside. Once satisfied they went back to bed and 15 minutes later it started bleeping again. The door to the room was wide open, and a man walked by. The guest got up and pushed it shut and locked it. But, noted that the door couldn't have been held open because it was on a spring. 

Then another guest who had woken at some point in the night, laid there half asleep but felt as if they couldn't move. They saw an apparition in the room of a lady in an old white dress floating and behind her stood a black figure with a ram's skull for a head. There have been sightings of many apparitions of not only people but children as well. 


  1. Thank you for all your research on this. After discussing it with my husband, we have decided we will definitely not be staying in any inns that were built over land where Indian (First Nations we say in Canada) burial sites. The is way too much bad juju there.


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