Haunted Hotels and Inns Pennsylvania- Part I


Going to Pennsylvania for a historical vacation? Why not add more history and stay in a haunted inn or hotel! Check part I of some haunted inns and hotels in Pennsylvania. Check back tomorrow for part II!

Aaron Burr House- New Hope

Not much is known about when this house was built. However, this is the place where Aaron Burr fled after he killed Alexander Hamilton. It is said that the spirit of Mr. Burr is haunting this house himself! He is known to follow around any particular guest that he takes a liking to. Guests have also reported that he tugs on their sleeves. If you are looking for an extremely haunted vacation, New Hope might be the place to go. According to legendary ghost hunter Adi-Kent Thomas Jeffrey there are more ghosts per square mile than anywhere else she has investigated.


Cashtown Inn- Gettysburg

This inn dates to 1797 and was named after the first owner Peter Marck who only accepted cash as payments. The inn is said to be haunted by Peter and soldiers from the nearby Gettysburg battle making this inn largely considered to be the most haunted location in all of Gettysburg. It is not uncommon for the doors to open and slam by themselves. Other common things that guests have complained about are loud banging on doors at night, lights turning on and off on their own along with doors locking by themselves. A few guests have said that when they turned to their room while staying here all of their clothes and luggage were packed on their own! Most apparitions are said to appear around the dates of the Battle of Gettysburg July 1st, 2nd and 3rd.



Wedgwood Inn& Breakfast- New Hope

This house was on the site of a British Fort in 1870. There are rumors of this house being part of the underground railroad and having a secret staircase and a hidden basement tunnel. Traveling with kids that want to make friends with a spirit? This inn is haunted with a little 12-year-old girl named Sarah who only appears to children. Sarah is said to have been a slave who escaped and found refuge at the inn. It seems as if Sarah is still searching for her parents from whom she got separated from. Sarah has only been seen twice but can be heard throughout the inn.

The Inn at Jim Thorpe- Jim Thorpe

This inn was built in 1833 and has hosted several famous people including Ulysses S. Grant, Thomas Edison, Buffalo Bill, John D. Rockefeller, and President William H. Taft. The inn is known to be one of the most haunted hotels in Pennsylvania! Guests have reported seeing shadow figures. Other common complaints are objects moving on their own, TVs being turned on by themselves and even waking up to finding chairs in rooms tipped upside down. Also, strange orbs and shadows have appeared in photographs. We found one guest that stayed here verified that when they captured something in a photo that they took here. According to this inns website they not only verify what was said above but also state they small children have said they have seen ghosts in their bed!

The Logan Inn- New Hope

This once tavern built in 1722 and turned inn in 1727 is the oldest inn still running today in the area. Not only does it have a lot of history but there is a lot of spirit activity too! Rumor has it that at least eight spirits are haunting this hotel. And it starts in the parking lot where the spirit of a little girl haunts.   Looking to run into a spirit while staying here? Then stay in room six. Guests have reported seeing a male spirit looking through the mirror in the bathroom while staying in room six. Other complaints in room six is feeling of being pushed in the chest while laying in bed and upon waking seeing a misty figure standing at the bottom of the bed. Apparitions of children have also been seen in the room along with the hearing of crying and pillows being pulled from under their head. Other parts of the hotel are haunted too. It is quite common to see Revolutionary soldiers and hearing footsteps. Other guests have said that they see a little girl in the mirrors too. Things have been moved around and temperature changes along with the feeling of someone being in the room. This inn still uses one of the beds where someone passed away, named Emily and it said that Emily roams the hotel halls!

Railroad House Inn-Marietta

Home built in the 1820’s that has since been turned into an inn. There is quite a few spirits that call this place home. One of the most famous spirits is that of a little girl in Victorian style clothes with long blonde hair. She can be seen playing in the hotel and is often blamed for objects moving around the kitchen. One of the former owners Thomas Scott who passed away in 1881 is said to be haunting this inn. While doing renovations previous owners found an invoice for a keg of beer and a case of wine from May 17th, 1990, and signed by Thomas Scott!! Many staff members along with guests have reported several experiences with the spirits of those that haunt here. Hearing footsteps and the sound of a typewriter is not uncommon. One of the waitresses that works there saw a man sitting at the bar, as she walked past, he said “hello”, but when she turned to respond he was gone. One of the employees that stayed in one of the rooms states that while sleeping she felt something get into bed with her and say, “move over you are taking up all the room”, shortly after moving over she felt the presence leave the bed. A former chief said at one point that he saw the reflection of a little girl dressed in a Victorian dress in the mirror that hangs above the bar. When he turned to look at her, she had vanished. The same chef saw the same little girl on the stairway but when he looked again, she was gone!  This inn also has a cottage where you can stay, that is haunted as well. Two female guests that have stayed there with their husbands have had the same experience of waking up to seeing an elderly lady sitting in the rocking chair and knitting. However, when they went to wake up their husband, she had disappeared along with the rocking chair! Male guests have seen a lady dressed in Victorian dress named Anne who used to work in the garden and is still searching for a rich man to take care of her. 


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