Haunted Inn and Hotels- New Jersey

 Going to the Jersey shore? Want more than just a beach trip? Stay in one of these haunted inns or hotels!! Let us know if you had any experiences here or somewhere else! 

Widow McCrea House bed &breakfast- Frenchtown

This house was originally built around the 1870s. It first started taking visitors in 1878. Guests have reported that this inn is haunted with the spirit of a cat. Reports of hearing meows, or feeling a cat sit on people or on beds when nothing is there is quite common. Staff have reported that there are rooms available that aren’t haunted if you ever want to stay here without being bothered by the cat.


Angel of the Sea- Cape May

This inn was built in 1850 as a summer cottage for William Weightman Sr. In 1881 Mr. Weightman decided to have the house moved so that his family and friends could see the ocean from the porches. He hired a number of local farmers to move the house to where it sits today. However, the farmers decided to cut the house in half to make it easier, when they tried to put it back together, they were unsuccessful so now it sits as two. The house was in the possession of the Weightman’s until his death in 1905. It was then changed into a hotel and started welcoming guests. After 1962 it was shut down when a hurricane damaged the house. However eventually reopened for the public. This hotel is haunted by a former guest known as “Miss Brown”. She is known to vibrate beds, move furniture and making lights turn on and off on their own. Legend has it that Miss Brown was staying at the hotel and forgot her key. She tried to climb into her room from the outside, unfortunately she slipped and fell to her death.  Other guests have heard footsteps as well that could be linked to Miss Brown.  Another spirit whose mother was a caretaker and her dad a sea captain can be seen looking out to sea. A guest staying there told staff that the alarm in room 17 was going off at 2:30 am, however when staff went to check it out it stopped. Another thing that guests have reported is hearing someone cough which may be due to the death of a guest with tuberculosis.


The Flander’s Hotel- Ocean City

Opened in 1923 even though the building wasn’t finished. This hotel was named The Flanders in memory of the fallen Allied troops of World War I dreadful battle “Battle of Flanders” in Belgium in 1914. Legends state that this hotel was once used for crime boss meetings in the onsite catacombs. The most famous spirit haunting this hotel is a young red-haired lady named Marilyn or MaryAnn.  Guests have also seen a small child and a middle-aged man. Quite often guests hear laughter and see apparitions.  Another spirit that is known to be haunting the hotel is Emily a lady in white with long brown hair. Emily is known to unscrew lightbulbs, playing with the door locks and disappearing into walls! She has often been seen wandering the Hotel’s Hall mirrors, in the hotel lobby along with the second and fourth floors. Staff and guests have reported incidents of swinging doors, heard singing and laughing throughout the grand rooms and seeing the train of a white gown disappearing around the corners. Many people say this is also Emily who could be a girlfriend of a solider of War World I who never returned.


Grenville Hotel- Bayhead

Opened in 1890, built by Wycoff Applegate who also built the Bay Head Yacht Club.  Up to 1945 it was known as The Georgette, when the new owners named it Grenville after a fire destroyed the Grenville Arms on the same block, the Georgette became the Grenville Hotel. While there is a lot of history to this building that’s not all that it has. Almost daily there is something paranormal that happens here. The most common place is in the dining room where silverware, glasses and dishes are moved about and sometimes even broken along with tablecloths being flown off the tables! The third floor and the front desk area is also known to be haunted as well. Guests have also reported hearing footsteps and voices in areas that shouldn’t have any. Another common complaint is hearing kids playing loudly in the lobby where there are no kids staying there, not only can they be heard but they can also be seen. Mr. Applegate and his wife unfortunately had a lot of young children that passed. There is also a strange mist throughout the hotel. If you stay here, you will most likely see or hear a spirit wandering around the hotel!


Hard Rock Hotel& Casino- Atlantic City

Once famously known as the Trump Taj Mahal this hotel was turned into a Hard Rock in 2018. People have reported every night around midnight a spirit appears. Legend has it that there was a man who committed suicide by jumping from the parking structures tenth floor.  One guest that said at the hotel reported seeing a tall shadowy man on the 10th floor when going to get ice. When the guest got back to their floor, they heard footsteps in the hallway.


Surf City Hotel- Long Beach

This hotel’s original building burned down however it was rebuilt. Rumors have it that even the original building was haunted! Many guests come here not only the beach but for the spirits that are rumored to be here. There are reports of a transparent woman holding a baby looking out the window. Guests have also said that you can still hear the screams from the tragic sinking of the Powhatan in 1854.


Hotel Macomber- Cape May

One of the oldest and most haunted hotels in New Jersey this building has a lot of history and paranormal history.  There is sightings of a waitress in shabby clothing who haunts the dining room and kitchen areas. Strange noises along with silverware being moved around are common. If you plan on going in the summer and want to have paranormal experiences stay in room 10. There is a rumor that a spirit stays here in the summer and can be head dragging her trunk around the room. Other guests have reported banging on the door and when they answer there is no one there!


Publick House Hotel-Chester

Built around 1810, this hotel was a popular tavern and stagecoach stop. Guests have reported smelling perfumes when no one is around and feeling cold spots. Other rumors are that you can hear growling noises.


Inn of the Hawke- Lambertville

This inn was built in the 1860s. Spirits here have been known to knock photos off of the wall. And in the kitchen, there is a spirit haunting that knocks pots and pans off of hooks onto the floors. One guest stated that they heard laughing and talking when no one else was around.


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