Haunted Inn and Hotels-Rhode Island

 Planning a trip to beautiful Rhode Island for a vacation near the water? Looking for a little extra? Why not stay in a haunted inn or hotel! Check the one's out that we found!

Castle Hill Inn- Newport

Built in 1875, the building was commissioned by Alexander Agassiz and used as a World War II naval base. Guests and staff have reported seeing a female ghost walking through the hotel and she also has thrown china around the hotel. This spirit is believed to have been a relative of Mr. Agassiz.  Some also believe that the china being thrown could also be Mr. Agassiz and he could be haunting the hotel as well.


Harborside Inn- Block Island

This inn has been welcoming guests for more than a century. It is said to be haunted by a woman in a black dress that enters room 302. Staff have also said that they have been grabbed around the waist while working at the reception desk. According to one of the guests there in 2016 room 234 is haunted as well.  Another guest stated that while walking past room 302 her ring finger on her left hand suddenly got very warm. When she touched her wedding ring it was extremely hot, and she had to run it under cold water. The same guest stated that when she tried to take a picture of room 302 her camera malfunctioned several times.


La Quinta- Warwick

Once known as a Fairfield inn, this hotel has been reported as haunted for years. According to both staff and guests there is a spirit of a woman who appears in room 316. This woman is believed to have committed suicide. And then there is a spirit of an elderly farmer who appears to people and tries to speak but cannot, he is believed to have died in room 506. Many guests have reported weird things happening to them at this hotel. In 2014 a family was traveling there, both the mom and daughter had trouble sleeping in the bed and had different experiences. When the mom was sleeping there, she felt a sharp stabbing and was awake all night. When she switched places with her daughter the next night the daughter’s left side of her body was freezing while the right side was room temperature, and she was only able to sleep for five minutes at a time before waking up feeling scared. An old worker there stated that the lobby door would open and close on its own with no one there and that you can see spirits rising from the lobby balcony to the 2nd floor. Another guest witnessed a man running out of room 316 yelling for something to stay away from him. Another guest stated that while staying at the hotel she saw 2 men walking into her room and they stood in the room just talking. Another guest that was staying there with their family woke to seeing a tall man in a suit and a tall black hat and he was smiling at her sitting on her bed. Another guest had a lot of experiences that happened in the hotel. She was staying with her boyfriend in a room next to the elevator and heard it going up and down all night. They approached the elevator several times during the night waiting to see who would get out, but no one ever did. It would stay on their floor and at one point her boyfriend knocked on the elevator and something knocked back and then the doors opened, and no one was there. The same guest stated that the 5th floor has a very heavy weight in the air and as well as the smell of woman’s perfume throughout the whole floor. This guest also states that you can hear kids playing and laughing when there is no kids around.


General Stanton Inn- Charlestown

This inn was originally built as a schoolhouse in 1655. The Washington room and Williamsburg room is said to be haunted by a male ghost who likes to tap people to get their attention. And when you ignore the tabbing, he likes to throw things. People have also reported hearing strange noises and feeling weird sensations.  People also see apparitions throughout the hotel. One of the spirits have hurled the finger of a manikin at an unseen force at a workman in the attic. This particular inn has been featured on “Ghost Hunters” in 2007.


Hotel Viking- Newport

This hotel was built in 1926 and was the place to be when it was first built. Guests have heard noises from a loud party happening in an old ballroom that is no longer used. Other strange things happening are the hotel are hearing of footsteps, feeling cold spots along with flickering lights and moving objects. Other guests have reported multiple times seeing a little boy cleaning the floors of the historic wing of the hotel. This sighting has also been confirmed by housekeeping. As far as the partygoers apparently, they were heard above one of the ballrooms in a spot that was used for storage. Partys are going on at odd hours of the night.


Villa One Twenty-Middletown

Originally built in 1856 known as Shadow Lawn and used as a private mansion. This hotel is said to be haunted by the previous owner, she can be seen and heard throughout the hotel. Many people have reported hearing a woman’s voice when no one is around.


The Outlook Inn

Once known as The Pilgrim House Inn, it was originally used as a single-family home in the 1800’s. It was eventually turned into apartments for families of the Navy, now turned into an inn. Guests and staff have reported laughter and music late at night. And people have also seen the ghost of a young girl looking through the windows that have no one in them. The owner states that the little girl’s name is Jessica. She is known to have a mischievous behavior and likes to play practical jokes. Some of the other things that she has done is buzzing intercoms in empty rooms, playing a music box in the middle of the night or slamming the clothes dryer door and turning the dryer on. One group taking a Ghost walking tour stated that they saw a little girl dressed in old-fashioned clothing standing at the foot of the inn’s stairs when no little kids were staying there. Most activity seems to happen around room 8 and 11 though.


Newport Beach Hotel& Suites- Newport

Not much is known about this hotel. However, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have a lot of spirits living there. Guests have reported a little girl can been seen running and laughing in the hallway. There is a dark-skinned male that frequents the bar and the ballroom, he is also known to be found crying alone in one of the rooms. There is a spirit in the kitchen that likes to throw plates and bang pots and pans together. There is known to be a ghost that is heard and seen banging on the shutters trying to get out. Finally, there is a ghost in the maintenance shop that likes to hide tools for days and then returns them. One guest stated that they have pictures taken in their room and all over the hotel. These pictures have many spheres/orbs.


Graduate Providence- Providence

Once known as Providence Biltmore, this building was finished in 1918. This hotel was the inspiration for Stephen King’s overlook hotel and Robert Bloch’s Bates Motel. The ghosts in this hotel are thought to be victims of murders during the prohibition era. Guests have been known to vanish without a trace in 2008 there were 6 people that disappeared and never have been found.


Jailhouse Inn- Newport

Built in 1772 this inn was used as a jailhouse and later a police station. The owners of this inn has kept a lot of the original aspects of the jailhouse. Guests who stay here claim to see a breeze blowing in rooms with shut windows and feel an eerie presence.



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