Mandela Effect: Real or False Memory?


If you search Mandela Effect on the internet today. You will see definitions describing it as many different people across the globe having the same false memories. We must ask ourselves how? How can tens of thousands of people all have a false memory?

The answer is simple, the Mandela Effect is part of a cover-up to hide the truth. No longer in the reality we were born into, we were moved to a new one. For those of us who experienced the Mandela Effect, we know that it WAS the way we remember it and that this is the biggest conspiracy cover-up that the world has ever faced.

There is no way that groups as large as those of us who have noticed these changes can all misremember the EXACT same details.

The fact is, there was a cornucopia in the Fruit of the Loom logo. The Monopoly guy did have a monocle. Products and movie titles were always spelled correctly, and certain movies were slightly different
then they are now.

All of us who have experienced these changes know two things. These Mandela Effects are real and started when CERN turned on their collider.

Most of the time, these changes are small, but sometimes they are very significant. Like someone passing away who was already dead, Christopher Columbus never proved the world is round. There is Mandela Effects that changed our history entirely.

Everyone knows who Harry Houdini is, but how did he die?

For those of you who don’t know or need a reminder, Harry Houdini was an illusionist best known for escape stunts in the early 1900s. His name was widely remembered and known throughout the world because he died in his Chinese Water Torture Cell, which was also depicted in two movies. Thousands of people remember that Houdini was famous because of this stunt that went completely wrong and that it hasn’t been tried since.

We know this is how we remember Houdini dying. This was why his name was so well-known. However, in this reality, Houdini performed that trick successfully and multiple times. The mystery becomes even worse when you learn how Houdini actually died in this reality. That makes no sense at all as to why his name is so popular still.

Harry Houdini died on October 25th, 1926, in Detroit, Michigan, of.... peritonitis resulting from appendicitis?


When watching a documentary about Houdini with my mother a few years back, when they announced this, we looked at each other with the same puzzled look. I then declared: I thought he died in that water trick. To which my mother replied: So did I...

After that, I searched it up and came to find out that we weren’t the only ones who remembered that Houdini died in his stunt gone wrong.

I wasn’t at all surprised as other historical events have changed.
For example, I was taught in school that Christopher Columbus ignored rumours that the world was flat and warnings that he would sail off the edge of the world. That Columbus sailed around the world and proved that the world was indeed round and not flat.

A few years ago, I discovered that this was not the case. Christopher Columbus never disproved this theory. There are still people convinced that the world is flat.

In fact, I found this in my research:

“In 1492, Christopher Columbus was shocked when his ship made landfall in a land Europeans had never explored. Along the way, he proved that Earth isn’t flat after all right?

Wrong: Despite a persistent legend, neither Columbus nor his Spanish patrons thought Earth was a finite plane instead of a round planet.”

That doesn’t make sense, as in 1492, they wouldn’t even know what a planet was, let alone that the Earth was one.

If you search Mandela Effects on the internet. You realize that even the JFK assassination has changed and that there were too many people in that car.

The fact is, Mandela Effects are real and those affected know this. Something isn’t right. We feel it in our hearts. To be dismissed as misremembering is heartbreaking. What is CERN and the government hiding?

We have two theories. One of them is that CERN experiments merged two realities.

The other is time travel. Is someone meddling and changing things within our timeline?

The question is why? Why have only some of us noticed these changes?

Are we a part of some social experiment? Or is it actually a false memory?




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